aind-data-schema copied to clipboard
Make examples real
User story
As a user, looking at examples that have a lot of obvious missing or made up data gives the impression that (a) this information is not important and (b) it is acceptable to make up information. This creates a dangerous precedent. I would like us to clean up the example files in the repository so that they reflect what we expect users to provide and rather than toy examples.
Acceptance criteria
- [ ] For each example in the examples folder, update the example
Sprint Ready Checklist
- [ ] 1. Acceptance criteria defined
- [ ] 2. Team understands acceptance criteria
- [ ] 3. Team has defined solution / steps to satisfy acceptance criteria
- [ ] 4. Acceptance criteria is verifiable / testable
- [ ] 5. External / 3rd Party dependencies identified
- [ ] 6. Ticket is prioritized and sized
@dyf Update acceptance criteria