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Question about argschema logger
I'm finding argschema super useful! But I've had one question/issue with regards to logging come up.
Because the argschema_parser is one of the first things called in most main scripts I was wondering if it was possible to prevent argschema from instantiating a logger? I couldn't find anything about it in the documentation pages.
The argschema logger caused another logger that I instantiated later in my main with basicConfig() to fail silently. (see:
I unfortunately, couldn't move my logger instantiation before invoking the argschema parser since the log filename and some other relevant variables needed to be obtained from argschema.
I was eventually able to find this workaround that worked:
# Remove root handler instantiated by argschema
for handler in logging.root.handlers[:]:
Do let me know if there's a better way for me to handle the issue. I'm very new to using both the logger and argschema...