AEAlertView icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
AEAlertView copied to clipboard

Custom AlertView supports multiple modes 自定义AlertView 支持多种模式弹窗


AEAlertView does not depend on any third-party library



  • After xcode 15.0+, only iOS12.0 can be supported, so the latest version 2.3.7 currently supports iOS12.0 as the minimum. If your project is lower than iOS12.0, please use pod 2.3.6
UIKit SwiftUI Xcode AEAlertView
iOS 8+ iOS 13+ 12.0 ~> 1.0
iOS 11+ iOS 13+ 13.0 ~> 1.7
iOS 12+ iOS 14+ 13.0 ~> 2.0
iOS 12+ iOS 12+ 15.0 ~> 2.3.8

Swift Package Manager

  • File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency
  • Add
  • Select "Up to Next Major" with "2.3.8"


source ''
platform :ios, '12.0'

target 'MyApp' do
  pod 'AEAlertView', '~> 2.3.8'

Please read the instructions before using it.

If you have any problems, please send emails or submit Issues at any time. Thank you very much.

It is recommended to download AlertViewDemo first, and check the specific usage method.

AEAlertView currently offers two basic boxes

  1. You can manually set two custom views when using the basic AEAlertview
  2. With UITextField, AETextFieldAlertView can only add one custom view call set (custom: UIView, width: CGFloat, height: CGFloat) when in use
  3. AEWebAlertView with WKWebView is not included in the AEAlertView library due to app auditing issues. You can find it in the demo AEWebAlertView.swift

Development Plan

add 3D model with Metal to AlertView

Version update information at the bottom

感谢大家反馈 如果你在使用中遇到任何问题、bug、建议等欢迎提交 点击进入讨论区
Thank you for your feedback. If you encounter any problems, bugs, suggestions, etc. in use, you are welcome to submit them discussions





如果有 你有任何问题 或者 好的建议 欢迎联系我 - email: [email protected] -

Call method and control description

  1. title uses UILabel as the basic control, and can only display two rows by default. If multiple rows need to be displayed, please set the titleNumberOfLines property

  2. messages use UITextView as the basic control, and the default display without height will automatically refresh the height based on the content, and it can be selected by long pressing. Turning off automatic refresh height alertView.textViewIsScrollEnabled does not recommend setting this property.
    If it is set, please remember to set messageHeight Turn off the long press to select mode messageIsSelectable

  3. Customized View call set for contentView set(content: UIView, width: CGFloat, height: CGFloat) If you want the width of the view to be the same as that of the alert during setup, pass in -1 width when calling The default upper spacing between contentView and message is 0

  4. CustomView custom view2 calls set (custom: UIView, width: CGFloat, height: CGFloat) If you want the width of the view to be the same as that of the alert during setup, pass in -1 width when calling The default upper spacing between customView and contentView is 0

  5. ActionContainerView is a control used to place buttons. Currently, this control cannot set its own properties and can only set the spacing between the top and bottom. The default distance between actionContainerView and customView is 10, which can be set by calling actionViewTopMargin The default distance between actionContainerView and the bottom of alert is 0, which can be set by calling actionViewBottomMargin

call demo code
The simplest example of calling method, no matter how many buttons there are, the pop-up window will disappear after clicking the button

func test() { "title", message: "fastest", actions: ["ok"]) { action in
    // set background image "title", message: "set background image", actions: ["cancel", "ok"], bgImage: UIImage(named: "006")) { action in

If no frame is selected during init when adding to a custom view, it defaults to the same screen size. Therefore, if you want to add to a custom view, you should pass in the frame during initialization

func test() {
      // frame 使用了当前view的大小 具体请查看demo
     let alert = AEAlertView.init(frame: view.bounds, style: .defaulted, title: "title", message: "set gif height Add alert to the current view")
     alert.setBackgroundImage(contentsOf: Bundle.main.path(forResource: "003", ofType: "gif"))

     alert.backgroundImageHeight = 300
     alert.messageColor =
     let cancel = AEAlertAction.init(title: "cancel", style: .cancel) { (action) in
     cancel.cancelTitleColor = .red

     alert.addAction(action: cancel)


Custom Button Theme Due to the presence of custom buttons in iOS15, if AEAction cannot meet your needs, you can create your own button and add it to alertView

func test() {
        let alert = AEAlertView(style: .defaulted, title: "custom action", message: "Please check the default values before using")
        let cancel = AEAlertAction.init(title: "cancel\rcancel\rcancel", style: .cancel) { (action) in
        cancel.cancelTitleColor =
        cancel.numberOfLines = 0
        let dev = AEAlertAction.init(title: "dev", style: .defaulted) { (action) in
        dev.image = UIImage(named: "index_def_icon")
//        dev.imagePlacement = .right
        alert.addAction(action: cancel)
        alert.addAction(action: dev)

Setting the maximum width for the iPad, AlertView will appear larger if you continue to use the screen width for calculation. Therefore, if you use it on the iPad, you should set its maximum width.

private func alertType3() {
  let alert = AEAlertView.init(style: .defaulted, title: "title", message: "set gif height Add alert to the current view", maximumWidth: 600)
  alert.setBackgroundImage(contentsOf: Bundle.main.path(forResource: "003", ofType: "gif"))
  alert.backgroundImageHeight = 300
  alert.messageColor =
  let cancel = AEAlertAction.init(title: "cancel", style: .cancel) { (action) in
  cancel.cancelTitleColor = .red
  alert.addAction(action: cancel)

Version Updated Record

1: support Swift Package Manager 2: change tag vx.x to x.x v2.3.6-
1: If alertView is set to custom style, action will add stroke and rounded corners by default. Setting action.adapterCustom can be canceled
2: The added content can be set as unselectable. The default is selectable, messageIsSelectable
3: When alertView is initialized, an optional parameter of frame is added. If you need to add alert to a custom view, it is best to pass in a custom size. If not, use the default screen width and height
4: When setting a custom View, the width can be consistent with the width of the parent container, and the width can be read by -1
5: Added some debug log printing

Fix the error of getting window if target init OS>12

Fixed title not wrapping by default. The number of added title lines can be set.

Support setting the maximum width