geomtextpath copied to clipboard
Create curved text paths in ggplot2
Thanks for the package. Any chance of adding a `geom_textstep()` to work with `geom_step()` please?
Hi, when using geom_textabline, the show.legend argument does not do anything, but show_guide is. However, show_guide is depreciated since ggplot 2.0.0. It should be safe to align the geomtextpath to...
``` library(ggplot2) library(geomtextpath) # using cran v0.1.1 ggplot(data.frame(a = 1:2)) + geom_line(aes(x = a, y = a), colour = '#00000022') + geom_textline(aes(x = a, y = a + 0.2, label...
**ggplot2** doesn't plot the line inside `geom_line()` when there's NAs values, but **geomtextpath** plots it. Is there a way to have the same behavior using `geom_textline()`? I tried `aes(group =...
I'm trying to use vjust and hjust as aesthetics to adjust the label positions individually on my river paths. No matter how I do it, the first value in the...
I cannot specify the straight argument since it seems unknown for geom_textsf(). ``` library(sf) library(geomtextpath) library(tidyverse) point st_sfc(crs = 4326) |> st_transform(3035) pointbdf st_as_sf() |> st_cast("LINESTRING") |> mutate(label = "dummy")...
great package, thanks for developing it! How would I put two labels on the same curve in the current syntax? ``` r library(ggplot2) #plot logistic regression curve fit_data dplyr::filter(hp broom::augment(newdata...
Dear Allan and Teun, First of all, thank you so much for your package. I have just downloaded it and it looks very useful and easy to use for what...
Hey ho! When setting text_only = TRUE in geom_labelsegment, then the label is actually shorter then defined by x, y, xend, yend (lines at the ends are ommitted). (It is...
@teunbrand I came across a question on SO today where I thought "Aha! This is a perfect use case for `geom_textlinerange`, only to find that it doesn't exist! I am...