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My solved Issues
okay, so There have been a LOT of people posting errors similar to this. I fixed it myself without the help of the forums. but after going through. the lot of you are struggling as well. So I am going to do this, I am going to start posting my solutions to my problems I have found here instead of just saying "solved".
Problem 1: "no python" was resolved by opening the pyvenv.cfg found in Desktop Waifu\desktop-waifu\waifu\pyvenv.cfg and changing the line in the picture to the folder where my python exe is at.
Problem 2: no Colorama module found. Problem solved, but this one is a bit complex. To simplify. Python is a complicated and tricky program.
and this is gonna SUCK
go to add or remove programs
uninstall all versions of Python. a cheap way to do this is to type python in the add or remove programs search bar and remove everything that stays.
go to and download the latest version
set the virtual path. A. to do this, open up search and type env. select the top option. then select environment Variables. under System variables there is one called Path. double click it. B. leave it all open and go to search type "python" Right click the the python exe and click "open file location" in the folder it opens find Python.exe and open file location AGAIN. copy the address bar at the top and go back to the path window. click new and past the address you just copied. hit enter, then ok, then apply, then ok. if apply is greyed out still. don't worry and just hit ok.
5.go back to your UNTOUCHED Waifu folder. if you made any changes just delete it and redownload from scratch.
- run Start.bat
for problem 2 just do pip install colorama lmao
Problem 1: No python means you have no Python installed in your computer. If it already installed but still said no python, set python PATH in the System Environment. Problem 2: pip install colorama
Please try solving this problem
You (mic [Transcribing (96.3 kB)]) > Error: You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.
Please try solving this problem
You (mic [Transcribing (96.3 kB)]) > Error: You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.
Using a local whisper can solve this problem. Just make sure you have enough hardware to run it though.
for problem 2 just do pip install colorama lmao
doesnt work believe it or not
Problem 1: "no python" was resolved by opening the pyvenv.cfg found in Desktop Waifu\desktop-waifu\waifu\pyvenv.cfg and changing the line in the picture to the folder where my python exe is at.
This helped me, thanks!
I followed step one and it still doesn't work. Anyone able to help me?