KB-NER copied to clipboard
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
I got the error message Segmentation fault (core dumped) all the time when I am trying to run the ITA model for all three datasets.
Here are the full log messages:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train.py --config config/xlmr-large-first_10epoch_1batch_4accumulate_0.000005lr_10000lrrate_en_monolingual_crf_fast_norelearn_sentbatch_sentloss_nodev_finetune_snap_doc_joint_multiview_posterior_4temperature_captionobj_classattr_vinvl_ocr_ner24.yaml
/home/xxx/microF1base/KB-NER/flair/utils/params.py:104: YAMLLoadWarning: calling yaml.load() without Loader=... is deprecated, as the default Loader is unsafe. Please read https://msg.pyyaml.org/load for full details.
dict_merge.dict_merge(params_dict, yaml.load(f))
2023-06-27 03:04:02,031 Reading data from ITA/datasets/snap
2023-06-27 03:04:02,031 Train: ITA/datasets/snap/train.txt
2023-06-27 03:04:02,031 Dev: ITA/datasets/snap/dev.txt
2023-06-27 03:04:02,031 Test: ITA/datasets/snap/test.txt
2023-06-27 03:04:03,014 Reading data from ITA/datasets/snap_doc_caption_vinvl_classattr_ocr
2023-06-27 03:04:03,014 Train: ITA/datasets/snap_doc_caption_vinvl_classattr_ocr/train.txt
2023-06-27 03:04:03,014 Dev: ITA/datasets/snap_doc_caption_vinvl_classattr_ocr/dev.txt
2023-06-27 03:04:03,014 Test: ITA/datasets/snap_doc_caption_vinvl_classattr_ocr/test.txt
2023-06-27 03:04:13,532 {b'
It happens to all three datasets. Any idea how to fix the issues? Thank you so much in advance.
There is no instruction on the version of Python and there is no version 7.1.2 for nltk.
I installed python==3.7.15 and nltk==3.5. Other packages were installed strictly based on the requirement.
I have the same issue. Did you firgure out how to fix it yet?