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Alfresco Office Services AOS use hardcoded authentication url for oAuth2/openid, incompatibility with other providers
Filing this here, as there is no other public tracker for AOS
The class org.alfresco.module.aosmodule.auth.service.AosAuthenticationUriService
use a hardcoded AuthServer url when enabling oAuth2.
This is not compatible with all authentication providers. Better would be if it used the url returned by ``.well-known/openid-configuration`, this should return the correct url, and is what the repository uses. At leas make the url configurable.
Code from decompiled class that is hardcoded.
public String getIdpLoginURI(IdentityServiceConfig identityServiceConfig) {
PropertyCheck.mandatory(this, "identityServiceConfig", identityServiceConfig);
return identityServiceConfig.getAuthServerUrl() + "/protocol/openid-connect/auth" + "?client_id=" + identityServiceConfig.getResource() + "&redirect_uri=" + this.getAuthenticateResponseURI() + "&response_type=code" + "&scope=openid";