XiaomiGateway3 copied to clipboard
ERROR after trying to flash EZSP
gateway ZNDMWG03LM
ERROR after trying to flash EZSP custom or original - no matter
Tried to do it on 1.5.5_0006, 1.5.6_0001.
xiaomi_gateway3-8b7e04a3f25a2b9a54e8fcc4c0c7cd1c-Xiaomi Multimode Gateway-39aa1397bf235ed29864ad26cbda8ed7 (1).json home-assistant_xiaomi_gateway3_2024-02-18T15-40-24.782Z.log
Home Assistant Core 2024.2.2 Home Assistant Operating System 12.0.rc1
I don't see anything wrong with it. Try to restart gateway and Hass and try again. Also try to collect integration debug logs for this process.
home-assistant_xiaomi_gateway3_2024-02-19T01-50-35.611Z.log original home-assistant_xiaomi_gateway3_2024-02-19T01-53-08.906Z.log custom
I think something changed in the ZHA integration. This library used for detecting firmware version. Your original and custom firmwares flashed OK. But code for detecting fw version doesn't works
Sooo... Can I you fix it? Or we need to wait for HA developers?
I'm supposed to fix it.
Good luck man!
Luck doesn't have much to do with it. Just time. Free time
Probably fixed https://github.com/AlexxIT/XiaomiGateway3/releases/tag/v4.0.0
Yep, thanks!