XiaomiGateway3 copied to clipboard
Add support VRF Air Conditioning
After I turned the [Xiaomi Gateway 3 Firmware Lock] switch on, the gateway seems disconnected from the Internet. No matter how I change the Firmware Lock status or restart the gateway, it's always offline in the Mi Home app. So I couldn't connect to any of BLE devices without the Internet right now.
- ZNDMWG03LM (Chinese version, US plug): v1.4.4_0003 factory firmware -- Cannot work in MiHome App while controlled by HA
- WXKG01LM -- Working fine
- Xiaomi TH Sensor 2 (LYWSD03MMC) -- Not working
2020-11-20 00:18:46 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.xiaomi_gateway3.core.xiaomi_cloud] Can't load devices list
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/config/custom_components/xiaomi_gateway3/core/xiaomi_cloud.py", line 145, in get_devices
assert resp['code'] == 0, resp
AssertionError: {'code': 4, 'message': 'auth err'}
2020-11-20 00:18:47 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.xiaomi_gateway3.core.xiaomi_cloud] Can't load devices list
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/config/custom_components/xiaomi_gateway3/core/xiaomi_cloud.py", line 145, in get_devices
assert resp['code'] == 0, resp
AssertionError: {'code': 4, 'message': 'auth err'}
2020-11-20 00:18:47 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.xiaomi_gateway3] Can't load devices from MiCloud
- You have some problems with Xiaomi cloud.
- Maybe
have some problems, I don't know. Update to new supported version. Check list in readme. - BLE don't work without connection to cloud on original firmware
- You have some problems with Xiaomi cloud.
- Maybe
have some problems, I don't know. Update to new supported version. Check list in readme.- BLE don't work without connection to cloud on original firmware
@AlexxIT Thank you for your useful advice. By testing, my Xiaomi_gateway3, Zigbee devices, and BLE devices are all successfully connected to HA, the gateway could working with HA and MiHome APP simultaneously! Now my gateway's firmware is v1.4.5_0016, This can be confirmed that v1.4.4_0003 was not well supported, you could inform guys on the readme page.
Here's a VRF air condition controller that supports connecting to MI Home App with Zigbee protocol. Now the device can be recognized in HA, I'm still in testing.
Xiaomi Gateway 3
New device:
did: lumi.<>
mac: <>
model: lumi.airrtc.vrfegl01
version: 1
zb_ver: 1.2
@a007007007csy is it support VRF now?
@superwangmeng No. If you have it - enable logs in integration options. Control device in different ways and send this logs to me.
@superwangmeng No. If you have it - enable logs in integration options. Control device in different ways and send this logs to me.
2021-12-28 12:07:36 DEBUG gateway3 | MQTT | zigbee/recv b'{"cmd":"write","did":"lumi.158d000798399c","id":9,"params":[{"res_name":"14.1.85","value":2103876}],"source":"","time":1640664454916}'
2021-12-28 12:07:36 DEBUG gateway3 | MQTT | gw/B4E3F9FFFEB6CEF8/commands b'{"commands":[{"commandcli":"zcl mfg-code 0x115f"},{"commandcli":"zcl global write 0x0000 0xfff0 0x41 {aa800cca47218527441a200001010000}"},{"commandcli":"send 0xb496 1 1","postDelayMs":0}]}'
2021-12-28 12:07:36 DEBUG gateway3 | MQTT | gw/B4E3F9FFFEB6CEF8/executed b'{"command":"zcl mfg-code 0x115f"}'
2021-12-28 12:07:36 DEBUG gateway3 | MQTT | log/z3 b'Msg: clus 0x0000, cmd 0x02, len 25\r'
2021-12-28 12:07:36 DEBUG gateway3 | MQTT | log/z3 b'buffer: 14 5F 11 08 02 F0 FF 41 10 AA 80 0C CA 47 21 85 27 44 1A 20 00 01 01 00 00 \r'
2021-12-28 12:07:36 DEBUG gateway3 | MQTT | zigbee/send b'{"cmd":"write_rsp","id":9,"time":1640664454934,"did":"lumi.158d000798399c","zseq":248,"results":[{"res_name":"14.1.85","value":2103876,"error_code":0}]}'
2021-12-28 12:07:36 DEBUG gateway3 | MQTT | gw/B4E3F9FFFEB6CEF8/executed b'{"command":"zcl global write 0x0000 0xfff0 0x41 {aa800cca47218527441a200001010000}"}'
2021-12-28 12:07:36 DEBUG gateway3 | MQTT | gw/B4E3F9FFFEB6CEF8/MessagePreSentCallback b'{"eui64":"0x00158D000798399C","destinationEndpoint":"0x01","clusterId":"0x0000","profileId":"0x0104","sourceEndpoint":"0x01","APSCounter":"0x76","APSPlayload":"0x145F110802F0FF4110AA800CCA47218527441A200001010000"}'
2021-12-28 12:07:36 DEBUG gateway3 | MQTT | gw/B4E3F9FFFEB6CEF8/executed b'{"command":"send 0xb496 1 1"}'
2021-12-28 12:07:36 DEBUG gateway3 | MQTT | gw/B4E3F9FFFEB6CEF8/MessageReceived b'{"sourceAddress":"0xB496","eui64":"0x00158D000798399C","destinationEndpoint":"0x01","clusterId":"0x0000","profileId":"0x0104","sourceEndpoint":"0x01","APSCounter":"0x71","APSPlayload":"0x1C5F11080400","rssi":-15,"linkQuality":255}'
2021-12-28 12:07:36 DEBUG gateway3 | MQTT | zigbee/send b'{"cmd":"write_ack","id":9,"did":"lumi.158d000798399c","dev_src":"0","time":1640664455035,"rssi":-15,"zseq":8,"params":[{"res_name":"14.1.85","value":2103876},{"res_name":"13.1.85","value":1}]}'
2021-12-28 12:07:36 DEBUG gateway3 | MQTT | gw/B4E3F9FFFEB6CEF8/MessageReceived b'{"sourceAddress":"0xB496","eui64":"0x00158D000798399C","destinationEndpoint":"0x01","clusterId":"0x0000","profileId":"0x0104","sourceEndpoint":"0x01","APSCounter":"0x72","APSPlayload":"0x1C5F11F90AF0FF4110AA800CCA871D8527441A2000010A0000","rssi":-15,"linkQuality":255}'
2021-12-28 12:07:36 DEBUG gateway3 | MQTT | zigbee/send b'{"cmd":"report","id":9,"did":"lumi.158d000798399c","time":1640664455073,"rssi":-15,"zseq":249,"params":[{"res_name":"14.1.85","value":2103876},{"res_name":"13.1.85","value":10}],"dev_src":"0"}'
2021-12-28 12:07:40 DEBUG gateway3 | MQTT | gw/B4E3F9FFFEB6CEF8/MessageReceived b'{"sourceAddress":"0xB496","eui64":"0x00158D000798399C","destinationEndpoint":"0x01","clusterId":"0x0000","profileId":"0x0104","sourceEndpoint":"0x01","APSCounter":"0x73","APSPlayload":"0x1C5F11FA0AF0FF4110AA800CCA871D8527441A2000010A0000","rssi":-15,"linkQuality":255}'
2021-12-28 12:07:40 DEBUG gateway3 | MQTT | zigbee/send b'{"cmd":"report","id":9,"did":"lumi.158d000798399c","time":1640664459073,"rssi":-15,"zseq":250,"params":[{"res_name":"14.1.85","value":2103876},{"res_name":"13.1.85","value":10}],"dev_src":"0"}'
Turn Off AC at Address 1-0 Temperature Set at 26 Fanspeed High Mode Heating
全网都没有适配这个设备的插件,homekit controller也只能控制关闭空调,打开完全没反应~
I got my VRF air conditioning controlled by AlexxIT gateway3 module first get devices count from 13.1.85 then control AC by 14.[1-count].85
my 13.1.85=7
so i have
i can read write my 7 AC by these mi spec
hvac and fan enum vaules: hvac = {HVAC_MODE_HEAT: 0, HVAC_MODE_COOL: 1, HVAC_MODE_DRY: 3, HVAC_MODE_FAN_ONLY: 4} fan = {FAN_LOW: 0, FAN_MEDIUM: 1, FAN_HIGH: 2, FAN_AUTO: 3}
first read: _raw = self._raw = data["_raw"] self._enabled = True if _raw >> 28 == 1 else False self._attr_fan_mode = list(self.fan.keys())[list(self.fan.values()).index(_raw >> 20 & 0xF)] self._mode = list(self.hvac.keys())[list(self.hvac.values()).index(_raw >> 24 & 0xF)] self._attr_target_temperature = _raw >> 8 & 0xFFF
then write: _raw = self._raw power_val = _raw >> 28 hvac_val = _raw >> 24 & 0xF fan_val = _raw >> 20 & 0xF temp_val = _raw >> 8 & 0xFFF extra_val = _raw & 0xFF
if "climate" in value: power_val = (1 if value["climate"] else 0) elif "hvac_mode" in value: power_val = 1 hvac_val = self.hvac[value["hvac_mode"]] elif "fan_mode" in value: fan_val = self.fan[value["fan_mode"]] elif "target_temp" in value: temp_val = int(value["target_temp"]) _raw = power_val << 28 ^ hvac_val << 24 ^ fan_val << 20 ^ temp_val << 8 ^ extra_val
then we can read write power & hvac mode & target temperature & fan mode last 8bit maybe it's swing mode, i will figure it out later
actually, this device can also use http get to obtain status and send commands. This method has limitations because there's not lan port aside rs485 panel, I use a network bridge to connect vrf controller into home network. Finally I use nodered to send/obtain commands. The powerline networking adapter maybe another choice.