WebRTC copied to clipboard
Reconnect to stream after loss
Using go2rtc + webrtc camera in HA to display the door cam on an magic mirror on an HA dashboard. It's working fine most of teh time. I have done some work in HA the last days an restarted it several times. One time the stream did'nt survive (black screen with RTC in the right corner was shown) and i had to reload the page/dashboard, which i want to prevent.
After some tests: Restart go2rtc addon, HA core, ... the stream always survived.
Is there some sort of reload/reconnect implemented? (to be sure an stzream is always shown).
I am also interested in this!
Now I am doing the following as a workaround to prevent this issue:
- Send key F5 to chromium on magic mirror
- Delay 4 seconds
- power on the monitor
So the dashboard gets freshly loaded everytime someone enters the room and issue doesn't pop up.
To solve this i am thinking of something like: It checks every minute if it has a stream, when not, reload the stream
Is this possible?
@popy2k14 how do you send F5 to the browser?
I also have flow losses after an hour and a half, I don't know why (it's since one of the last updates). I would like to be able to restart the flow if it gets stuck, like an F5 would do. THANKS
@sigalou here is my complete setup incl. refresh after 4 seconds after turning on the monitor.
HA thread: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/replaced-magicmirror-with-lovelace-dashboard/600905/11?u=popy
But i think it should be solved in WebRTC/go2rtc.
What go2rtc version you using? v1.8.5 has a bug with reconnection feature
Sure I have the HA addon go2rtc version 1.8.5.
Any hints when there will be an release so we can test if the issue is fixed for us?
Don't know about release. This problem fixed in the go2rtc latest master version
Ok, thx
My problem seems to be fixed in the latest master version :-)
thx for the info. Would be nice if we can get an release, so everyone with supervised HA installations can benefit from the fix.
Tested the hardware master of go2rtc and also for me it seems stable for the last few days.
Any info when next stable will be released?
thx for the release (with downgraded go2rtc). Installed now and see how it goes.
Any hint's when a fixed version of go2rtc is realesed? https://github.com/AlexxIT/go2rtc/releases
When I'll have free time for this project. Made six releases in the last three days https://t.me/AlexxIT_Releases
Wow, thx for your work. Take your time.