php7mar copied to clipboard
- Localization
- Setup localization functionality for all messages; especially obscure one.
- Use JSON
- Add option switch
- Suggestion: Use the l(/.../) format.
- CLI Text Output Handler
- Editor Support
- Add linking support for editors that support it such as "tmxt://" and "subl://".
- ~~Composer/Packagist~~
- ~~Option for different file extensions~~ Thanks, @willbonde
I'd like to recommend that support for Composer be added, and that the package be made available through Packagist.
I really want to say no since I am not fond of Composer, but I know people will keep asking. :P I made an account earlier and will look into it.
@kherge Does that look correct to you? I setup the automatic updater hook on GitHub as well.
It works, thanks:
vagrant@homestead:~/Code/diffbot_test$ composer global require alexia/php7mar:dev-master
Changed current directory to /home/vagrant/.composer
./composer.json has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
- Installing alexia/php7mar (dev-master 38d2d9d)
Cloning 38d2d9dd357351c21c821408c71a4bfc869a1265
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
vagrant@homestead:~/Code/diffbot_test$ php ~/.composer/vendor/alexia/php7mar/
classes/ composer.json .git/ .gitignore LICENSE mar.php reports/ testcases.php
vagrant@homestead:~/Code/diffbot_test$ php ~/.composer/vendor/alexia/php7mar/mar.php -f=.
Report located at: /home/vagrant/.composer/vendor/alexia/php7mar/reports/2015-05-25 06:37:33
You might want to tag a release soon, though (even if unstable), so it can be installed without dev-master. Maybe even package it up into a phar so it can be run directly from the command line after global installation, like so:
$ php7mar -f=.
There are two others PHP 7 migration tools that I looked at, and tested - both requiring composer.
Neither of the above were as helpful or as effective as in my server environment which does not normally need to deal with "Composer", or use *.phar packages or other library boxes for a basic PHP CLI.
Thanks @Alexia for a good minimalism approach.
Thanks. That is why the Composer package type is set to project. It allows people to install it through Composer, but it will run fine independently. :D