Yolo_mark copied to clipboard
error: ‘SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow’ is not a member of ‘cv’
I tried to compile using opencv 2.4.11 and i keep getting the
window 10, opencv 3.4.7 and faced same problem.
hello, I tried to compile using opencv 2.4.11 and i keep getting the
Have you sovled the problem yet?
I got same error in opencv 3.4.7 but I could solve this problem in 2.4.13 on windows 10.
The problem in ubuntu was not solved, but no error occurred in windows 10.
It seems that in opencv 3.1.0 ‘SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow’ is a member of cv::cuda, which means that I need to compile opencv with the cuda option activated. Does recompiling opencv with cuda, modifying the main.cpp by adding #include "cudaoptflow.hpp" and replacing cv::SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow by cv::cuda::SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow solves the problem (at least if you have a gpu) ?
I am with the same problem
Me too!
Hi all, got the same problem, the last working commit for me is 1ecd253d4e2ef04fd11aee60338ed109eb1129bf "Added O - button to copy previous bboxes with object tracking"
When I using opencv 3.1.x, same error. change to opencv 4.1.x, it's solved!