Yolo_mark copied to clipboard
LNK1104 cannot open file 'opencv_world411.lib'
I am using (Windows 10 64bit) Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9.15, using the latest opencv downloaded as a .ZIP directly from github https://github.com/opencv/opencv, and I am running Python 3.7.3, Anaconda and CMake 3.15.2 installed.
Ok, I managed to successfully install openCV4 and I checked that it works, but when opening up yolo_mark.sln to compile in Release x64, I get the error:
LNK1104 cannot open file 'opencv_world411.lib' yolo_mark C:\Users\XxaemaeThxX\Desktop\ML-NN-Chao-Sys\Yolo_mark\LINK Line1
I added the C++ dependencies (D:\OpenCV4\opencv4\install\include) and the Linker dependencies (D:\OpenCV4\opencv4\install\x64\vc15\lib) but I don't have any "opencv_world411.lib" file inside the bin or lib folders.
Where the fudge is this damn file?
Ugh, solved it. Realized cmake has the option to build a opencv_world.lib -_-
How did you solved? Error : LNK1104 'opencv_world450d.lib' file can not open
@ugurrrn I have the same issue, although I built for version 460. The error message like the following: LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '....\lib\Debug\opencv_world460d.lib'
@huzq85 @ugurrrn Try adding the paths correctly. Make sure you have added include directories and library directories both under VC++ directories.
Thank you for your information @saurabh4011 ! To me, this time it looks more like a bug because in my previous buildings (like version 4.5), there was no such kind of build error. Besides, I kept the same build configurations as before (I did not modify anything) for building version 4.6 but errors came out.
I don't understand, even building opencv_world with cmake correctly, there isn't any opencv_world.lib (mine should be opencv_world460.lib). I tried with other Opencv version and all of them don't have opencv_world.lib
@luisdavikp have you solved this problem, I meet this problem when I want to add the opencv-contrib module in the original opencv by compiling.
@luisdavikp have you solved this problem, I meet this problem when I want to add the opencv-contrib module in the original opencv by compiling.