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LNA gain control not functioning for RSPduo

Open flocentblack opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

LNA gain control not functioning for RSPduo. No change in noise floor when moved.

SDR++ 1.0.6

flocentblack avatar Jun 08 '22 10:06 flocentblack

Upon further experimentation, the issue is intermittent, although I can never get LNA when to operate when using LowIF 2048KHz, IFBW 1536KHz.

Toggling through the other modes will sometimes get it working again.

flocentblack avatar Jun 08 '22 10:06 flocentblack

likely an issue with the API and not SDR++

AlexandreRouma avatar Sep 13 '22 17:09 AlexandreRouma