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React Native + i18n.js

Results 81 react-native-i18n issues
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providing a hoc or a hook much like react-i18next will make sure we rerender all components when language changes related to

Hi, I want to access json file into device file system for localization. How can read from file system path like '/data/user/0/com.project/files/test2.json' using i18n? Can you help me?

Many apps have the ability to change and set the language in a "settings" screen on the fly, so that my locale and system language is FR for example but...

I was just wondering, in the release list: version 2.0.15 isn't listed at all although it's published on npm

For example if I have `helloString = 'Hello, {{name}}, how is your {{timeOfTheDay}}?'` I could do `I18n.t('helloString', { name: Julie, timeOfTheDay: 'morning' });` But what I would love to do...

Hi all , i want to use 'tn' as my own one of the famous country languages . When i do this ...default language 'en' is tranlated . Can i...

undefined is not an object (evaluating 'RNI18.locale.replace')

build failed clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/riadh/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/testapp-hbmlzffsceblqiccktgzbxdwbdav/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/libRNI18n-tvOS.a'

**'react-native-i18n module is not correctly linked'** warning displays even if I try to link step by step as in README instruction. Does anyone had this issue ?