runMacOSinVirtualBox copied to clipboard fails at the installer command
I am running Mac OS 11.6.1, and I would need to download and use the same 11.6.1 for the VM. But the fails at the installer command. I am not that familiar with Mac, not sure what is going wrong with the installer command.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- sudo ./
- select to download 11.6.1
Making empty sparseimage... installer: Package name is macOS Big Sur installer: Installing at base path /private/tmp/dmg.u4ZPKc installer: The install failed. (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance. An error occurred while running scripts from the package “InstallAssistant.pkg”.) Command '['/usr/sbin/installer', '-pkg', './content/downloads/05/24/002-23589-A_ZQQIIUQAXQ/zn8n836sojdlmlvqdu7n2k4gj8roqmcysu/002-23589.English.dist', '-target', '/private/tmp/dmg.u4ZPKc']' returned non-zero exit status 1. Product installation failed.
I manually tried to run the installer with -verbose and get a little bit more info:
%# /usr/sbin/installer -pkg /Users/jinzhong.chen/Documents/GitHub/runMacOSinVirtualBox/content/downloads/05/24/002-23589-A_ZQQIIUQAXQ/zn8n836sojdlmlvqdu7n2k4gj8roqmcysu/002-23589.English.dist -target /private/tmp/dmg.9ev1Pg -verbose installer: Package name is macOS Big Sur installer: Installing at base path /private/tmp/dmg.9ev1Pg installer: Preparing for installation…..... installer: Preparing the disk…..... installer: Preparing macOS Big Sur…..... installer: Waiting for other installations to complete…..... installer: Configuring the installation…..... installer: # installer: Preparing to install…..... # installer: Writing files…..... # installer: Writing files…..... # installer: Writing files…..... # installer: Running package scripts…..... # installer: The install failed. (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance. An error occurred while running scripts from the package “InstallAssistant.pkg”.)
Please help why it fails and how I can fix it. Thanks in advance.
I found this link
So the issue was that I cloned the scripts to Documents/
The fix is to move the the script out.