Wlx2Explorer copied to clipboard
Wlx2Explorer is an application which allows to use Total Commander lister plugins from Windows Explorer.
problem when we add a space in a filename if we set the SPACE key as the shortcut Key. I think it's more convenient to use SPACE Key as the...
Hi Alexander, How are you? I am using Wlx2Explorer on my window 7 computer (32 bit), everything goes well. I tried to load Ulister x64 on my laptop (windows10 64...
Hi, I'm new to Wlx2Explorer, and how to add ulister into plugins? should I download x64 version of ulister and oracle's Viewer Technology 8.5.4 if I use your newest release?...
hope it can work on [openFiledialog](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.651f9ffef6cd457a341b38c3f5559951?rik=qcS7ld9unk6puA&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.wpf-tutorial.com%2fImages%2fArticleImages%2f1%2fchapters%2fdialogs%2fopenfiledialog_filter.png&ehk=5bfmdbi6drJVCbTFgwqh6psaShv2IUE8XiajnmY8Mc0%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0&sres=1&sresct=1) windows. So it is convenient to choose the file.
Hi, Is it possible to set a default viewer for non-specific file types, like what Total Commander Default Lister did? I am trying to use the CudaLister plugin to preview...
Most users will not be able to use this app without clear instructions for the following: 1. How to install this app 2. Where to get the other apps (sLister,...