SmartSystemMenu copied to clipboard
建议为资源管理器增加 “在当前路径此进入cmd”
建议为资源管理器增加 “在当前路径此进入cmd”
Could you please translate it into English?
The translation should be 'better add "Open the current directory in cmd" in windows explorer'
Note: Use Shift+Right Click in the directory should provide this function built-in. 在当前目录中使用 Shift+右键 将可以在 Windows Powershell/命令提示符/Windows Terminal 中打开此目录
You can use "Start Program | Open Command Window" menu item in the version 2.19.2
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="&CMD Admin"
"Icon"="C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe ,0"
@="cmd.exe /s /k pushd \"%V\""