Alexander Eggers

Results 41 comments of Alexander Eggers

@cortinico I was able to figure out how to use the react plugin root property in the applyNativeModulesAppBuildGradle function. I reverted the signature changes and internally it will work as...

@cortinico I see what you mean. That won't work in my project setup. This CLI call already requires a root folder defintion but in my case the react-native project sits...

Yep `require('@react-native-community/cli').bin` is exactly the part which won't know unless you know where the react root directory is before you run that. My project has the following structure: ``` -...

> You're resolving a package that you have installed in your node_modules no? Correct, but that node_modules is sitting with the `reactnativemodule`-folder and not inside the android base project (parent...

@cortinico I have added an example project which includes my scenario including the patch.

Hey @cortinico, I'm sure you must be super busy and I hope you don't mind tagging you in a message but I just wanted to follow up on my last...

@softartdev Unfortunately that workaround doesn't work for me. I'm still getting the issue when compiling for more than one ios-related target. Using sqldelight 2.0 and kotlin 1.9.23. Do you have...

I think I found a tmp fix working for me: ```kotlin val development: String by rootProject.extra if (development == "true") { iosSimulatorArm64("ios") } else { iosArm64("ios") } ``` Depending on...

@szymonrybczak Thanks for your suggestion but I'm not certain if that is what would make sense in this case. The base Android project still needs to be compiled and is...