barely-minimum-bootstrap-5-wordpress-starter-theme copied to clipboard
Barely minimum Bootstrap 5 WordPress starter theme [boilerplate for developers only]
Barely minimum Bootstrap 5 WordPress starter theme [boilerplate for developers only]
Theme features:
- minimum amount of files required for a WordPress theme (index.php and style.css)
- Bootstrap 5 CSS & JS files enqueued (in function.php from /functions/enqueues.php)
- jQuery removed but optionally available commenting out one line from /functions/enqueues.php
- Bootstrap 5 starter template (separated in 3 files: header.php, index.php and footer.php)
- custom wp_nav_menu walker for Bootstrap 5 navbar (in function.php from /functions/navbar.php)
- empty custom.css & custom.js files (located in /css and /js, respectively)