custom-electron-titlebar icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
custom-electron-titlebar copied to clipboard

Impossible to update the menu

Open Makio64 opened this issue 1 year ago • 2 comments

Problem Description

On recent electron version, changing the menu using the example or other methods didnt work and the menu in the title bar simply disappear.

Steps to Reproduce

	// in the main
	const menu = new Menu()
		new MenuItem({
			label: 'File',
			submenu: [
					label: 'Import gltf/glb',
					click: () => {
						console.log('Open File')
					type: 'separator',
					label: 'Close',
					click: () => {

Expected Behavior

The title bar is updated with the new menu

Current Behavior

the menu disappear

Additional Information

  • windows 11
  • node v20.5.0
  • electron 27.0.2 / also didn't work on ^26.0.0

Note: Labels - bug

Makio64 avatar Oct 29 '23 14:10 Makio64

You should use titlebar.refreshMenu(), an asynchronous method that refreshes the menu with what is in Menu.getApplicationMenu(), after updating the menu with the sample code you showed above.

AlexTorresDev avatar Jan 15 '24 15:01 AlexTorresDev

I update all menu like this:

// main.ts
import { app, BrowserWindow, Menu } from "electron";
import registerListeners from "./helpers/ipc/listeners-register";
import path from "path";

const inDevelopment = process.env.NODE_ENV === "development";

if (require("electron-squirrel-startup")) {

import { setupTitlebar, attachTitlebarToWindow } from "custom-electron-titlebar/main";
import { MenuItem, MenuItemConstructorOptions } from "electron";

// setup the titlebar main process

function createWindow() {
    const preload = path.join(__dirname, "preload.js");
    const mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
        width: 800,
        height: 600,
        webPreferences: {
            sandbox: false,
            devTools: inDevelopment,
            contextIsolation: true,
            nodeIntegration: true,
            nodeIntegrationInSubFrames: false,
            preload: preload,
        titleBarStyle: "hidden",
        frame: false, // Add this line

    } else {
            path.join(__dirname, `../renderer/${MAIN_WINDOW_VITE_NAME}/index.html`)

    if (inDevelopment) {

    // Create menu template
    // Define the menu template
    const isMac = process.platform === "darwin";
    const template: (MenuItemConstructorOptions | MenuItem)[] = [
            ? [
                      submenu: [
                          { role: "about" as const },
                          { type: "separator" as const },
                          { role: "services" as const },
                          { type: "separator" as const },
                          { role: "hide" as const },
                          { role: "hideOthers" as const },
                          { role: "unhide" as const },
                          { type: "separator" as const },
                          { role: "quit" as const },
            : []),
            label: "File",
            submenu: [isMac ? { role: "close" as const } : { role: "quit" as const }],
            label: "Edit",
            submenu: [
                { role: "undo" as const },
                { role: "redo" as const },
                { type: "separator" as const },
                { role: "cut" as const },
                { role: "copy" as const },
                { role: "paste" as const },
                    ? [
                          { role: "pasteAndMatchStyle" as const },
                          { role: "delete" as const },
                          { role: "selectAll" as const },
                          { type: "separator" as const },
                              label: "Speech",
                              submenu: [
                                  { role: "startSpeaking" as const },
                                  { role: "stopSpeaking" as const },
                    : [
                          { role: "delete" as const },
                          { type: "separator" as const },
                          { role: "selectAll" as const },
            label: "View",
            submenu: [
                { role: "reload" as const },
                { role: "forceReload" as const },
                { role: "toggleDevTools" as const },
                { type: "separator" as const },
                { role: "resetZoom" as const },
                { role: "zoomIn" as const },
                { role: "zoomOut" as const },
                { type: "separator" as const },
                { role: "togglefullscreen" as const },
            label: "Window",
            submenu: [
                { role: "minimize" as const },
                { role: "zoom" as const },
                    ? [
                          { type: "separator" as const },
                          { role: "front" as const },
                          { type: "separator" as const },
                          { role: "window" as const },
                    : [{ role: "close" as const }]),
            role: "help",
            submenu: [
                    label: "Learn More",
                    click: async () => {
                        const { shell } = require("electron");
                        await shell.openExternal("");

    const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template);

    // attach fullScreen(f11 and not 'maximized') && focus listeners

// app.whenReady().then(createWindow);

// osX only
app.on("window-all-closed", () => {
    if (process.platform !== "darwin") {

app.on("activate", () => {
    if (BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 0) {
// osX only ends


hello112334 avatar Aug 03 '24 16:08 hello112334