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This is a tiny React component for scroll bar customization, without dependencies but with a lot of features.
React CustomScroll 5.1
React-customscroll is a tiny React component for scroll bar customization, without dependencies but with a lot of features.
- TypeScript support
- Extremely small size (11kb)
- Without dependencies
- Easy customization, simple api
- Native OS scroll behavior
- Cross browser
- Animate scrollTo feature
- React-sortable-tree / React-virtualized support
- RTL support
- Server Side Rendering support
- Scroll snap support
Step 1:
npm install react-customscroll -save
Step 2:
React-customscroll works like native browser scroll.
You should paste the component inside the block with scrollable data.
For instance:
import CustomScroll from 'react-customscroll';
<div className="block-with-scrolling">
If block with a native browser scroll works well it will work with React-customscroll