
Results 63 comments of AlexKamaev

I managed to reproduce the issue with NodeJS v18.7.0 and Windows 10. Thank you for reporting this. We'll research this issue. Until it is fixed, please use the stable NodeJS...

@Florian-HH I believe this issue is not related to the original one. Please share your project and your test code with us so that we can reproduce the issue on...

Thank you for sharing the example. I reproduced the issue. We need time to research it.

I was able to reproduce the issue. Moreover, I confirm that your fix solves the described problem. If you want, you can create a PR with the suggested fix. We...

We do not have any updates on the status of the issue. Once we have any results, we'll post them here.

I reopened this issue. Please stay tuned.

Your suggestion seems reasonable. We'll take it into account. However, we are currently focused on other features, so I cannot give you any estimates on this. If you wish, you...

@devdelpiero TestCafe already has some functionality for intercepting HTTP Requests. Please refer to the following article: At the moment we think that implemented functionality is sufficient to satisfy needs...

Thank you for your input. I was able to reproduce the issue in IE11 even without browserstack. I found that the target site contains a JS error in IE11. However,...

I was able to reproduce the issue. However, at the moment, I cannot give any workarounds or estimates on when it will be fixed. This issue requires a lot of...