Alex Black
Alex Black
Something that some SBT users run into is uber-jars that give a Nd4jBackend.NoAvailableBackendException, due to incorrect packaging with plugins like sbt-assembly plugin (for example, missing or not adding java service...
These loss functions aren't listed: also check for pretrain(boolean), backprop(boolean) etc
We should have instructions on how to run DL4J/ND4J in various types of notebooks (Jupyter, etc). Ideally, also some simple minimal notebooks that are tested/known to work - that we...
One trap for Keras import of CNNs in RGB vs. BGR layout for images. It's straightforward to configure (see test below) but many users don't even think of this when...
It would be good to be able to point people to these instructions - incorrectly created uber-jars will throw a NoAvailableBackendException (due to incorrect handling of service loader files)
Here's a summary list of features and changes in beta4 that the docs will need to be updated for: **ND4J** * ND4J DataTypes support/changes * Nd4j. new methods: createFromArray, DataType...
Currently if no backend can be found: ``` throw new NoAvailableBackendException( "Please ensure that you have an nd4j backend on your classpath. Please see:"); ``` That link currently redirects...
See this PR: This should be documented somewhere, probably after the next release. ## Due Date *To be completed by:* YYYY-MM-DD ## Description *Write a short description of what...
_From @huonw on November 26, 2018 23:56_ Visiting seems to show the documentation for beta2, not beta3, e.g. shows [the documentation at 1.0.0-beta2](, not [the beta3 state]( (deprecation)....