Alexander Leisentritt
Alexander Leisentritt
Just went over the PRs, it seems to me that #66 is doing this, got to have a look at this...
Thanks for your quick answer, I will see what I can do. I have a hobby project I am working on at the moment for which I need this and...
I followed this issue and because you mentioned #6 here my comment. I wanted to change and use a ready to go lib for the RN module, but as it...
Well it is hard to test, maybe have a look in that lib and see if they have implemented some kind of watch dog:
Yeah well, as already said I have it running in a way it suits me... If I wanted to sell those devices then yes, the firmware would need a rework,...
As far as I can tell from other LoRa devices TTN fair use is one thing, local regulations something other and what a device does also. I don't use TTN...
I used that mac save in my firmware but only every 100 uplinks to save the eeprom from wearing out, on a new start I increased the counter by 100...
I want to share some recent impressions on this topic. I do not use TTN but have an own gateway running ChirpstackOS. I stumbled over some special handling in the...
here is the code in Chirpstack I referred:
Oh and yes I know there is firmware 1.0.3 mentioned, i checked one device and I have 1.0.5 on it. But since there was a problem in 1.0.3 no idea...