thorium copied to clipboard
trying to build the browser, getting error: unable to load chromecast_build.gni
System Details
- OS: [Windows 11]
Problem trying to build the browser from scratch and i keep getting this error after running gn args out\thorium and if i try to build it it wont let me build it because of this error
You need to strictly refer to the guidelines for building on Windows provided in the docs folder in this repo and the official guidelines provided by Google, and make sure you pull the correct code.
Also, you cannot use powershell to compile.
- i am not using powershell that's just the normal command prompt 2. i am doing exactly what the ( file says and i'm pretty sure i've also pulled everything correctly
fyi i've deleted and git pulled everything more than 2 times and i still get this error, i've cloned using --recursive for the thorium source and i've fetched chromium so i don't really know what the issue is
i've discovered what the problem is but not sure how to fix it, so it's asking for chromecast_build.gni but it was recently changed into just cast.gni from what i've read but the build file still wants chromecast_build.gni which doesn't exist
@mukatsuku Are you checking out the M119 branch? If you are using Trunk (AKA tip of tree) it will not work.
@gz83 @mukatsuku UPDATE: This is almost certainly what you are doing wrong. I am sorry, but I need to update the documentation, there is alot of stuff out of date including this.
See, in the M119 version, it is still there >
Versus tip of tree >
What you should do is execute the commands in (to make sure you have all of/the latest source code), then (to check out the right version), then (to copy the files over). Then you can do your gn args out and build it. These scripts were made for bash/linux, so you cant directly use them in cmd.exe or powershell. However, it WILL work in Git Bash (which I usually use). Keep in mind that the scripts assume that Thorium is in $HOME (i.e. C:\Users$USERNAME on windows), and you must override the "CR_SRC_DIR" environment variable.
In the scripts it sets it to $HOME/chromium/src if the variable is unset. You can set it to something like /c/chromium/src (as C:\ is mounted at /c/ in bash on windows)
@mukatsuku I updated the docs. Please see >
perfect i'll see if i can build it asap thanks a bunch