CalcBinding copied to clipboard
How to bind StaticResource?
Firstly, install the NuGet "MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Material" and "CalcBinding"
Then, I defined two values in the header.
<iconPacks:PackIconMaterial x:Key="VideoIconOn" Kind="Video"/>
<iconPacks:PackIconMaterial x:Key="VideoIconOff" Kind="VideoOff"/>
The values can be used like below
<Button Command="{Binding ExecuteCommand}" CommandParameter="Video" ToolTip="Grab pictures continuously"
Content="{StaticResource VideoIconOn}"/>
But, it cannot be used like below
<Button Command="{Binding ExecuteCommand}" CommandParameter="Video" ToolTip="Grab pictures continuously"
Content="{calc:Binding IsVideoOpen?{StaticResource VideoIconOn}:{StaticResource VideoIconOff}}"/>
Why? How to use it correctly?