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Can't process TUH Artifact Dataset
Hi, I'm trying to create the TUH Artifact Dataset as follows:
dataset = TUHEEGArtifactDataset('~/Documents/eeg/tuh_artifact_eeg/edf')
preprocessing = Pipeline([
dataset = dataset.set_pipeline(preprocessing).load()
data, labels = dataset['data'], dataset['labels']
But it fails with the following message:
ValueError: tmin (600.9454) must be less than tmax (600.9)
I'm using the v2.0.0 of the dataset:
The TUH Artifact has been recently updated, the adapters for the v2.0.0 are in early alpha in the feature-workspace branch
Thanks so the above code should work with v1.0.0?
It will work without the ToNumpy, please refer to this about the Numpy preprocessor
Hi, I'm trying to run this code but it gives error
dataset = TUHEEGAbnormalDataset()
preprocessing = Pipeline([
dataset = dataset.set_pipeline(preprocessing).load()
data, labels = dataset['data'], dataset['labels']
output : **2021/03/11 01:24:44 INFO: Init dataset 'Temple University Hospital EEG Abnormal Dataset'@'v2.0.0' at '/content/data/tuh_eeg_abnormal/v2.0.0' 2021/03/11 01:24:44 DEBUG: Make .pyeeglab directory 2021/03/11 01:24:44 DEBUG: Make .pyeeglab/cache directory 2021/03/11 01:24:44 DEBUG: Set MNE log .pyeeglab/mne.log 2021/03/11 01:24:44 DEBUG: Make index session 2021/03/11 01:24:44 INFO: Index data set directory 2021/03/11 01:24:44 INFO: Index data set completed 2021/03/11 01:24:44 DEBUG: Init default query 2021/03/11 01:24:44 DEBUG: SQL query representation: 'SELECT file.uuid AS file_uuid, file.path AS file_path, file.extension AS file_extension, metadata.file_uuid AS metadata_file_uuid, metadata.duration AS metadata_duration, metadata.channels_set AS metadata_channels_set, metadata.channels_reference AS metadata_channels_reference, metadata.sampling_frequency AS metadata_sampling_frequency, metadata.max_value AS metadata_max_value, metadata.min_value AS metadata_min_value, annotation.uuid AS annotation_uuid, annotation.file_uuid AS annotation_file_uuid, annotation."begin" AS annotation_begin, annotation."end" AS annotation_end, annotation.label AS annotation_label FROM file JOIN metadata ON file.uuid = metadata.file_uuid JOIN annotation ON file.uuid = annotation.file_uuid WHERE 1 = 1 AND 1 = 1 AND annotation."end" - annotation."begin" >= ?' 2021/03/11 01:24:44 DEBUG: Create new preprocessor 2021/03/11 01:24:44 DEBUG: Create common channels_set preprocessor 2021/03/11 01:24:44 DEBUG: Create new preprocessor 2021/03/11 01:24:44 DEBUG: Create lowest_frequency preprocessor 2021/03/11 01:24:44 DEBUG: Create new preprocessor 2021/03/11 01:24:44 DEBUG: Create DataFrame converter preprocessor 2021/03/11 01:24:44 DEBUG: Create new preprocessor 2021/03/11 01:24:44 DEBUG: Create new preprocessor 2021/03/11 01:24:44 DEBUG: Create dynamic frames (8) generator 2021/03/11 01:24:44 DEBUG: Create new preprocessor 2021/03/11 01:24:44 DEBUG: Create Numpy (float32) converter preprocessor 2021/03/11 01:24:44 DEBUG: Create new preprocessing pipeline
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
2 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pyeeglab/dataset/ in maximal_channels_subset(self) 216 for channel in channels 217 ] --> 218 channels = reduce(and_, channels) 219 channels = channels - frozenset(self.exclude_channels_set) 220 channels = sorted(channels)
TypeError: reduce() of empty sequence with no initial value**