wagtailyoast icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
wagtailyoast copied to clipboard

Is this project maintained?

Open VdeJong opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments

Hi @Aleksi44

Is this project still being maintained?

VdeJong avatar Apr 14 '22 13:04 VdeJong

Hi @VdeJong

Unfortunately, I no longer use wagtailyoast. I don't think it works with the latest version of Wagtail. However, PR are welcome, I remain available to take care of that.

Aleksi44 avatar Apr 19 '22 06:04 Aleksi44

Hi @Aleksi44, thanks for your reply. Are you using an alternative now? Could you maybe share some points you had in mind you wanted to improve on for this package? I'm interested in continuing development on this package. What's the latest Wagtail version you know this package is compatible with?

VdeJong avatar Apr 19 '22 08:04 VdeJong

Hi @VdeJong

  1. I don't know or use any alternatives.
  2. If you want to use this package with the latest version of Wagtail, I can help you to fix the problems if you post the issues (if there are any). I think these are small things to fix (like I did for wagtailsvg for example).

Aleksi44 avatar Apr 23 '22 15:04 Aleksi44

Hi @Aleksi44 @VdeJong , wagtailyoast doesn't seem to be compatible with wagtail 3.0 from 3.0rc1 onwards. image

I'm not getting error messages in the console, but the SEO panel isn't rendering. I looked through the module but wasn't able to spot the issue, so can't support with a PR.

hallpower avatar May 27 '22 07:05 hallpower