Riscy-SoC copied to clipboard
ERROR: Module `\cpu_mem' referenced in module `\cpu' in cell `\mem' is not part of the design
yosys -p 'synth_ice40 -top top -json top.json' top.v
2.2.1. Analyzing design hierarchy..
Top module: \top
Used module: \timer
Used module: \uart
Used module: \ram
Used module: \cpu
Used module: \bus_arbiter
Used module: \sync
ERROR: Module \cpu_mem' referenced in module
\cpu' in cell `\mem' is not part of the design.
I am aveare of the issue, i should have opened that myself.
If i find time i will defenetly work to fix it. However if you try to fix it i would be very pleased to merge the changes.
Hi! It goes over this issue with the following changes in cpu.v:
- cpu_hazard_unit hazard_unit (
+ hazard_unit hazard_unit (
- cpu_fetch fetch (
+ fetch fetch (
- cpu_decode decode (
+ decode decode (
- cpu_execute execute (
+ execute execute (
- cpu_mem mem (
+ mem mem (
Hi! It goes over this issue with the following changes in cpu.v:
- cpu_hazard_unit hazard_unit ( + hazard_unit hazard_unit ( - cpu_fetch fetch ( + fetch fetch ( - cpu_decode decode ( + decode decode ( - cpu_execute execute ( + execute execute ( - cpu_mem mem ( + mem mem (
I have submitted the changes. Please try now :smiley:
Hi @AleksandarKostovic , I am having same issue while synthesizing my design on Yosys. Changed the instance name as same as submodule name but still getting this error
ERROR: Module '\my_mod' referenced in module '\my_top_mod' in cell '\my_mod' is not part of the design
Can you please help it out?
Never mind. Just figured it out. Included file in project, now it works.
Hi @Saad525 . I am having the same issue. Can you please tell me what your solution is? Thanks in advance.
@Superstite i think it was resolved by including that file (the module of which is instantiated) in top file. `include "your_file_name.v"
@Superstite i think it was resolved by including that file (the module of which is instantiated) in top file. `include "your_file_name.v"
Hi, thanks @Saad525.