vscode-sequence-diagrams icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vscode-sequence-diagrams copied to clipboard

Failed to save PNG

Open GuyWicks opened this issue 6 years ago • 23 comments

Upon clicking on the 'Export to PNG' button, a notification comes up that says 'Failed to save PNG'. I don't seem to be able to find any additional error messages.

Upon clicking on 'Export to SVG', this works and a diagram.svg file is created in the same location as the diagram.seqdiag file.

Version: 1.28.2 Commit: 7f3ce96ff4729c91352ae6def877e59c561f4850 Date: 2018-10-17T00:23:51.859Z Electron: 2.0.9 Chrome: 61.0.3163.100 Node.js: 8.9.3 V8: 6.1.534.41 Architecture: x64

GuyWicks avatar Nov 08 '18 14:11 GuyWicks

same issue here version 0.3.1

spartacusX avatar Nov 09 '18 09:11 spartacusX

Same issue here; I am on Linux with extension version 0.3.1. Any chance this can be looked into, please.

codemedic avatar Mar 26 '19 10:03 codemedic

same here. But i still love it!

mbalsam-refind avatar Apr 14 '19 01:04 mbalsam-refind

Also, if you change to another file, and then back to the Sequence Diagram file its blank.

mbalsam-refind avatar Apr 14 '19 02:04 mbalsam-refind

Have the same problem. Is there a fix?

Like the plugin though, works as it should!

sailinder avatar Jun 28 '19 09:06 sailinder

Can you confirm this is still issue with version 0.4.0? @sailinder @mbalsam-refind @codemedic

AleksandarDev avatar Feb 08 '20 20:02 AleksandarDev

New to this issue, however I am also seeing this bug. VSCode Sequence Diagrams Version: 0.4.0 About VS Code: Version: 1.38.1 Commit: b37e54c98e1a74ba89e03073e5a3761284e3ffb0 Date: 2019-09-11T13:31:32.854Z Electron: 4.2.10 Chrome: 69.0.3497.128 Node.js: 10.11.0 V8: 6.9.427.31-electron.0 OS: Darwin x64 18.7.0

Error message presented: "Sequence Diagrams - Failed to save PNG"

thutto avatar Feb 10 '20 19:02 thutto

Looking a bit deeper I see the following logged to the console. [Extension Host] vscode-sequence-diagrams: Check refresh document rejected.

Hope this helps. Edit Adding Stack trace I see:

Error: spawn /Users/thutto/.vscode/extensions/aleksandardev.vscode-sequence-diagrams-0.4.0/node_modules/phantomjs-prebuilt/lib/phantom\bin\phantomjs.exe ENOENT
	at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:232:19)
	at onErrorNT (internal/child_process.js:407:16)
	at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)

thutto avatar Feb 11 '20 16:02 thutto

Same for me!

mhite avatar Feb 20 '20 17:02 mhite

Same here; I guess I'm using latest version, which is 0.4.0 according to the changelog. Where can we get more detailed logs?

bcollard avatar Mar 16 '20 11:03 bcollard

Ok, I think I may have identified a root cause.

Here's the bit of code in the extension where the PNG is saved:

  _receiveMessage(message) {
       return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
           if (message == null || message.command == null)
           let extension;
           try {
               let exportFileName;
               switch (message.command) {
                   case 'export-svg':
                       extension = "svg";
                       exportFileName = this._getExportFileName(extension);
                       fs_1.writeFileSync(exportFileName, Buffer.from(message.data, 'base64').toString('binary'));
                   case 'export-png':
                       extension = "png";
                       exportFileName = this._getExportFileName(extension);
                       const pngBuffer = yield svg2png(Buffer.from(message.data, 'base64'));
                       fs_1.writeFileSync(exportFileName, pngBuffer);
               vscode.window.showInformationMessage("Sequence Diagrams - " + extension.toUpperCase() + " saved to " + exportFileName);
           catch (error) {
               vscode.window.showErrorMessage("Sequence Diagrams - Failed to save " + extension.toUpperCase());
               command: 'export-done',

We can see svg2png is called to perform the conversion.

The svg2png library has an upstream dependency on phantomjs-prebuilt:

  "dependencies": {
    "file-url": "^2.0.0",
    "phantomjs-prebuilt": "^2.1.14",
    "pn": "^1.0.0",
    "yargs": "^6.5.0"

And unfortunately I can see in the Visual Studio Code developer console that the extension fails trying to launch a Windows binary. I'm on a Mac. See the screenshots below.



ENOENT means file does not exist. This is likely being triggered because of the mismatched use of "/" vs. "\" in the path to access... a prebuilt Windows binary. So even if the path issue wasn't coming up, it would try to launch the prebuilt Windows PhantomJS .exe and fail.

I think the root of the problem is that this extension is shipping with prebuilt platform-specific binaries.

This is what the phantomjs README says:

PhantomJS needs to be compiled separately for each platform. This installer
finds a prebuilt binary for your operating system, and downloads it.

I'm not sure what the real fix is here other than trying to find an alternative way of doing the svg to png conversion that doesn't require shipping binaries.

mhite avatar Mar 27 '20 17:03 mhite

@AleksandarDev - was the above information useful for diagnosing?

mhite avatar Apr 14 '20 21:04 mhite

@mhite You're right on the money with this one. For anyone who wants a quick fix: cd ~/.vscode/extensions/aleksandardev.vscode-sequence-diagrams-0.4.0/ && npm install

NPM should detect the missing phantomjs binary and do the install. The post install script will fail but if you reload vscode, png downloads should work. I'm not familiar enough with the vscode extension api to say what the more permanent solution to this is.

chrisdesoto avatar Apr 15 '20 21:04 chrisdesoto

@chrisdesoto - Nice! I'm hoping @AleksandarDev has a permanent fix.

mhite avatar May 09 '20 21:05 mhite

Should be resolved

AleksandarDev avatar Apr 12 '21 08:04 AleksandarDev

Incidentally, I installed this plugin today (v 0.4.7), and experienced this problem. I'm on OSX. I tried the npm install workaround suggested and that did not solve it for me.

chrisalbright avatar Apr 16 '21 19:04 chrisalbright

This issue seems not fixed in the latest v0.4.7 on Windows.

ipfans avatar May 05 '21 13:05 ipfans

Another possible solution: remove the option to export as PNG.

bmordue avatar Jul 20 '21 16:07 bmordue

This issue seems not fixed in the latest v0.4.7 on Windows.

The extension produces the following error: Sequence Diagrams - Failed to save PNG

hhubik avatar Jan 11 '22 04:01 hhubik

npm install couldn't fixed for me as well on macOS .

ProductName:	macOS
ProductVersion:	12.3.1
BuildVersion:	21E258
vscode version: 1.66.2
VSCode Sequence Diagrams version: v0.4.7

sercanerhan avatar Apr 21 '22 08:04 sercanerhan

Happening for me also in v0.4.7 :(

KangoV avatar Oct 06 '23 17:10 KangoV

Yeah its now more hardcoded to use a .exe even when running on OS X:

2024-01-29 09:40:36.313 [error] [Extension Host] vscode-sequence-diagrams: Error: spawn /Users/kieranbenton/.vscode/extensions/aleksandardev.vscode-sequence-diagrams-0.4.7/dist/phantom\bin\phantomjs.exe ENOENT

I'm tempted to try and grab an osx binary of phantom and rename it to .exe to see if that works.

kieranbenton avatar Jan 29 '24 09:01 kieranbenton

Nope, because of the mixed slashes I can't make that work.

kieranbenton avatar Jan 29 '24 10:01 kieranbenton