Well, in Frame every undistorted keypoint is added to the vector mvKeysUn, and its descriptors to mDescriptors, at the same index. You can remove some of them. But if you...
@faywong, those are great news! Do you have a video? Can we see how fast/slow it runs in mapping and in localization?
@MasterHansCoding I don't know any mobile orbslam implementation working at a decent speed. JNI is the native interface. There's nothing faster than native. A full Java orbslam will be much...
@MasterHansCoding Great paper! I am actually working in a visual slam partition. In 2022 we succeded on running a preprocessor on an old mobile and the rest on a backend....
This question is related to autowarefoundation/autoware#196
Orb-slam 2 doesn't do it. Your video is an example of the paper Probabilistic Semi-Dense Mapping from Highly Accurate Feature-Based Monocular SLAM. The software is based on orb-slam2, but is...
LSD-SLAM is very good actually. We can say it's ORB-SLAM main "competitor". These two algorithm work on different bases, with its own weaknesses and strengths.
@hashten is right! See autowarefoundation/autoware_ai#675 About IMU integration, taking absolute measurements is possible with IMU, Raúl Mur already did it in Visual inertial Monocular SLAM: and the paper
I believe you mean DSO. I didn't profile any of them, but I believe DSO will work faster an with less memory than ORB-SLAM2. DSO isn't SLAM, it will use...
@M1234Thomas , as a simplificated answer, I'd say NO, they cannot be integrated. Of course they can, but there is no point in doing it. Until someone discover the benefit...