The Getting Started document currently shows these import paths: import {VgCoreModule} from 'videogular2/core'; import {VgControlsModule} from 'videogular2/controls'; import {VgOverlayPlayModule} from 'videogular2/overlay-play'; import {VgBufferingModule} from 'videogular2/buffering'; Those are no longer valid....
I'm on 2.0.0 When I call socialAuthService.signOut(). The service's user property isn't cleared. Is that expected behavior? The reason I ask is because I have a login component that subscribes...
I get an error when running the mod loader with game version This is the first time I've tried using the mod loader so don't know if it would...
Windows Security keeps blocking and quarantining DW2Net6Win,exe. It thinks it is a trojan Running Windows 10 I got around it by adding it to the exclusion list. I have another...