Oleksandr Albul
Oleksandr Albul
Why do you need this updateTitleBottomPadding ? What if just add to bb_bottom_bar_item_shifting.xml
Fixed in pull request https://github.com/roughike/BottomBar/pull/866 Working fine in my project.
@jlucas577 First of all you need to fix your layout on a small screens. Second you need to redesign overlay view, and put title and description of your tutorial at...
@jlucas577 Also when you have components inside ScrollView which you want to highlight. First you need to scroll ScrollView to ensure targetView is visible on a small screen.
@theherrsherofthunder You need to feed diferent layouts for the inflater, not this one `R.layout.instruction_layout` Or you could modify it after it has been inflated, like: ``` View firstLayout = LayoutInflater.from(this).inflate(R.layout.instruction_layout,...
I have add this dependecy: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.mockk/mockk-js/1.7.17 But still getting this error: `Uncaught Error: Error loading module 'mockk-js'. Its dependency 'kotlin' was not found. Please, check whether 'kotlin' is loaded prior...
@linsea Here I have created couple with graphs: https://github.com/Albul/benchmarks-java-kotlin
@hrldcpr thanks. Also measurements in terms of size: https://github.com/Albul/sizeof-objects-java It seems quite big usage, maybe because of using long key in IntTree