CSS HTML Validator for Windows, Mac, Linux
CSS HTML Validator for Windows, Mac, Linux
Found this syntax error in francine.css while checking with CSS HTML Validator: `box-shadow:0 0 2px 3px #821818)` Probably should be (remove right parenthesis): `box-shadow:0 0 2px 3px #821818`
Found this syntax error in francine.css while checking with CSS HTML Validator: `right:13;` Probably should be: `right:13%;`
Found this in francine.css while checking with CSS HTML Validator: Many uses of a `print-color-adjust` CSS property. But shouldn't this be `-webkit-print-color-adjust` and/or `color-adjust`? See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/-webkit-print-color-adjust https://caniuse.com/#search=print-color-adjust
Found this syntax error in francine.css while checking with CSS HTML Validator: `.feath.feath20{r:ight 37%;width:88%}` Probably should be: `.feath.feath20{right: 37%;width:88%}`
Checking with CSS HTML Validator I found that this meta tag appears twice in index.html (there's no need for it to appear twice): ``
Checking with CSS HTML Validator found this syntax error: ` overflow: hidden; !important;` Probably should be: ` overflow: hidden !important;`
URL being validated or code to reproduce error: https://www.htmlvalidator.com/bugs/dir-auto-on-bdo.html Validator.nu does not generate any errors. HTML5 says (for bdo) > The auto value must not be specified.
URL being validated or code to reproduce error: https://www.htmlvalidator.com/bugs/border-inline-end-color.html ``` Error: CSS: border-inline-end-color: Property border-inline-end-color doesn't exist. ``` Validator says CSS property border-inline-end-color doesn't exist... but it does... see: https://caniuse.com/?search=border-inline-end-color...
CSS HTML Validator has been around since 1997. Please add to https://whatwg.org/validator/ . It's not an online checker, but an offline one for Windows. There is also now a Linux...
dead link : https://images.guide/ Can someone resurrect or provide a live link?