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An awesome and simple singleton sound manager for iOS in Objective C, where you can play audio in different lines, control each audio or the entire line, change volume in live of a single audio or a g...


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To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


AMGSoundManager requires ios 6.0 and above.


AMGSoundManager is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "AMGSoundManager"

How it works

AMGSoundManager works as a sigleton instance that manages all audios that are playing across differents screens.

To create the singleton just write:

[AMGSoundManager sharedManager]

To play an audio, AMGSoundManager provides multiple options:

-(BOOL)playAudio:(NSString *)audioPathOrData withCompletitionHandler:(void (^)(BOOL success, BOOL stopped))handler;
-(BOOL)playAudio:(NSString *)audioPathOrData withName:(NSString *)name withCompletitionHandler:(void (^)(BOOL success, BOOL stopped))handler;
-(BOOL)playAudio:(NSString *)audioPathOrData withName:(NSString *)name inLine:(NSString *)line withCompletitionHandler:(void (^)(BOOL success, BOOL stopped))handler;
-(BOOL)playAudio:(NSString *)audioPathOrData withName:(NSString *)name inLine:(NSString *)line withVolume:(float)volum andRepeatCount:(int)repeatCount fadeDuration:(CGFloat)fadeDuration withCompletitionHandler:(void (^)(BOOL success, BOOL stopped))handler;

As you can see, you can simply play an audio with just it's path or the NSData. But also you can specify a name, line, volume and repeat count. Finally, if you want, you can specify a complete handler or leave it as nil. If you specify a handler, it will notify you when the audio is ended, and why (if it has been stopped or not9. If repeat count is -1, the audio makes a loop.

The name is used to identify a single sound (or a group of sounds with the same file, or whatever you want) and the line is normally used to identify a kind of sounds such as sfx, voices, background sounds, etc. But it's up to you what name and line you want to put in every sound.

If you specify 0.0 in the fadeDuration in all methods, it will simply ignore the fade.

Then, you can stop the audios with the following methods:

-(void)stopAllAudiosForLine:(NSString *)line withFadeDuration:(CGFloat)fadeDuration;
-(void)stopAudioWithName:(NSString *)name withFadeDuration:(CGFloat)fadeDuration;
-(void)stopAudioWithPath:(NSString *)path withFadeDuration:(CGFloat)fadeDuration;

Also, if you want to check if an audio is currently playing you can wirte:

-(BOOL)isAudioPlayingInLine:(NSString *)line;
-(BOOL)isAudioPlayingInLine:(NSString *)line withName:(NSString *)name;

You can also pause and resume an audio:

-(void)pauseAudiosInLine:(NSString *)line;
-(void)resumeAudiosInLine:(NSString *)line;

And the most awesome feature: you can change the volume of any audio currently playing!

-(void)setVolume:(float)volum forLine:(NSString*)line withFadeDuration:(CGFloat)fadeDuration;

AMGSoundManager also implements a delegate to notify when an audio has finished or has given some kind of error. With this, you can make a sequence of audios.

-(void)audioDidFinish:(NSString *)name inLine:(NSString *)line;
-(void)audioErrorOcurred:(NSString *)name inLine:(NSString *)line;

There's also an other way to know when an audio has ended using notifications:

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(soundEndedNotification:) name:kSoundManagerAudioEnded object:nil];

And then:

-(void)soundEndedNotification:(NSNotification *)notification{

    NSDictionary *info = notification.userInfo;
    NSString *line = [info objectForKey:@"line"];
    NSDictionary *audio = [info objectForKey:@"info"];
    NSString *name = [audio objectForKey:@"name"];

    if([name isEqualToString:@"my_audio_name"]){
        //Do whatever



Run a background sound:

if(![[AMGSoundManager sharedManager] isAudioPlayingInLine:@"background"]){
    [[AMGSoundManager sharedManager] playAudio:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"background_music" ofType:@"mp3"]
                       withCompletitionHandler:^(BOOL success, BOOL stopped) {
                           NSLog(@"Audio has ended!");

To stop all audios in a line:

[[AMGSoundManager sharedManager] stopAllAudiosForLine:@"background" withFadeDuration:1.0];

To change the volume of an audio in live:

[[AMGSoundManager sharedManager] setVolume:1.0 forLine:@"background" withFadeDuration:1.0];


All instances in AMGSoundManager are AMGAudioPlayer. You can create new instances of AMGAudioPlayer by your own to be able to simply change the audio volume with fade animation.

[player setVolume:volume withFadeDuration:fadeDuration];


AMGSoundManager is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.