ansible-eclipse copied to clipboard
not always re-download eclipse itself?
I noticed that when I run the playbook again I always download eclipse all over again. This is 280MB so it is quite a large file to download. I suppose this is perhaps because we don't know if the download failed mid-transfer last time or similar? Would it be possible to rather only download in case of incorrect md5sum or similar?
I'm quite new to Ansible so these questions might not make sense. We are using it to build a machine using Vagrant based on CentOS, so I have put some fixes in my fork's master branch which might be of interest to you. Please note that I am not checking that these changes still work as expected on a Debian machine, so merge/cherry-pick with care..
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Try overriding : eclipse_dir_tmp: "{{ tempdir.stdout }}" to somewhere you have access. Outside of the default /tmp