Jim Dovey

Results 20 comments of Jim Dovey

There shouldn't be any problem linking directly to a prebuilt binary which was built using ARC, but if you're including the source directly you need to set the -fobjc-arc parameter...

They’re actually quite ancient, and can probably be turned off altogether now. There were some buffer overrun problems in that code at one point, where things were generating invalid array...

I've got code for a tiling background view that I've been meaning to clean up & commit — we've been doing that at Kobo for a while now to avoid...

Probably. Maybe. I'd have to check & see if there's any glue in there— we wouldn't want to eat the scroll view delegate property by requiring this background always be...

Yeah, it's an artifact of how it handles indexing— it counts along each row. For horizontal scrolling I'm not entirely certain what the ideal format would be. Keeping the same...

It sounds like you're declaring your delegate class to implement the NSXMLParserDelegate protocol rather than the AQXMLParserDelegate protocol, would that be correct? I haven't seen these warnings in a long...

I'm scratching my head on this one too. Maybe #import the AQXMLParser header before Foundation.h? For whatever reason, the compiler is seeing the NSXMLParser version first, and so is comparing...

I'll have to take a look, but it does sound a bit like an oversight.

This sounds like a fun project. Mind if I take a crack at it? Have you had any thoughts about the implementation that you'd be able to share?

Is there any utility in looking at an actor-based event loop implementation? It seems like that's the sticking point at the moment. Aside from that, I feel like it ought...