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(I wonder if it's a bug...) When creating a wizard and starting a tutorial.
Describe the bug
A quest bug that occurs when I create a wizard character, start the tutorial, and near the end. (Related to Alkimi Garden Quest) = A bug that occurs when the quest item does not appear during the quest (also exists in the warrior character tutorial quest)
To Reproduce
- Wizard character creation.
- Start the tutorial quest.
- Near the end... Enter the Tria library. (Normally, unless you're a Rune-blade or Wizard, you don't go through the Tria map. Wizard characters are considered to be visiting the library as a concept)
- Talk to Anne.
- Usually the quest below is a tutorial quest, but if you just press the space bar, the above quest will be accepted.
- Accept the quest and move to Lith Harbor.
- Quests usually appear on Marco, but this one appears on Loana in The Chest.
- Accept the quest and enter Alkimi Island.
- There is an NPC called Mani on that map. If you talk to him, the quest will proceed.
- Then an item should be obtained but not obtained.
- On the map ? If you go where there is a sign, there will be another NPC. His name is Antonius.
- If you talk to it, a quest will appear, but if you press the space bar, it seems to proceed, but it just closes.
- At this point, the moment you talk to this NPC again... (However, even if you create another character for this quest, I think this quest will exist if you meet NPC anne in the Tria library later)
Expected behavior
Disconnected, server error. And there's a quest that didn't come out before.
Stack trace of the error
[00:44:14] [FTL] Session: Exception in recv PipeScheduler: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException (0x80004005): Duplicate entry '60110050-1' for key 'quests.quests_un'
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStream.ReadPacket()
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.GetResult(Int32& affectedRow, Int64& insertedId)
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.NextResult(Int32 statementId, Boolean force)
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader.NextResult()
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
at Dapper.SqlMapper.ExecuteReaderWithFlagsFallback(IDbCommand cmd, Boolean wasClosed, CommandBehavior behavior) in C:\projects\dapper\Dapper\SqlMapper.cs:line 1062
at Dapper.SqlMapper.QueryImpl[T](IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command, Type effectiveType)+MoveNext() in C:\projects\dapper\Dapper\SqlMapper.cs:line 1081
at System.Collections.Generic.List1..ctor(IEnumerable
1 collection)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable1 source) at Dapper.SqlMapper.Query[T](IDbConnection cnn, String sql, Object param, IDbTransaction transaction, Boolean buffered, Nullable
1 commandTimeout, Nullable1 commandType) in C:\projects\dapper\Dapper\SqlMapper.cs:line 723 at SqlKata.Execution.QueryFactory.Get[T](Query query, IDbTransaction transaction, Nullable
1 timeout)
at SqlKata.Execution.QueryExtensions.InsertGetId[T](Query query, Object data, IDbTransaction transaction, Nullable1 timeout) at MapleServer2.Database.Classes.DatabaseQuest.Insert(QuestStatus questStatus) in D:\MapleServer2-P1\MapleServer2\Database\Classes\DatabaseQuest.cs:line 15 at MapleServer2.Types.QuestStatus..ctor(Int64 characterId, QuestMetadata metadata, QuestState state, Int64 startTimestamp, Boolean accepted) in D:\MapleServer2-P1\MapleServer2\Types\QuestStatus.cs:line 61 at MapleServer2.Types.QuestStatus..ctor(Int64 characterId, Int32 questId, QuestState state, Int64 startTimestamp, Boolean accepted) in D:\MapleServer2-P1\MapleServer2\Types\QuestStatus.cs:line 43 at MapleServer2.PacketHandlers.Game.NpcTalkHandler.HandleNextQuest(GameSession session, PacketReader packet) in D:\MapleServer2-P1\MapleServer2\PacketHandlers\Game\NpcTalkHandler.cs:line 541 at MapleServer2.PacketHandlers.Game.NpcTalkHandler.Handle(GameSession session, PacketReader packet) in D:\MapleServer2-P1\MapleServer2\PacketHandlers\Game\NpcTalkHandler.cs:line 54 at MapleServer2.Network.PacketRouter
1.OnPacket(Object sender, PacketReader reader) in D:\MapleServer2-P1\MapleServer2\Network\PacketRouter.cs:line 23
at MapleServer2.Network.Session.ReadRecvPipe(PipeReader reader) in D:\MapleServer2-P1\MapleServer2\Network\Session.cs:line 263
[00:42:39] [INF] ScriptLoader: Script Npcs/11003878 does not exist. [00:42:39] [WRN] NpcTalkHandler: Unhandled NPC 11003878 with multiple possible talk scripts
[00:44:56] [INF] ScriptLoader: Script Npcs/11003879 does not exist. [00:44:56] [WRN] NpcTalkHandler: Unhandled NPC 11003879 with multiple possible talk scripts
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