Hey ,I use a generated z and LR testing image to generate its SR version for evaluation during training. The NaNs would occurs in the SR results, causing black rectangle...
 As you can see in the picture, The NaN would often occur in the f_s_exp and f_b, also in h(since h is related to f_s_exp, f_b) at the deeper...
Thanks for your advice ! I have tried those experiments: 1. I have decoded the z-LR pair with z of standard deviation [0, 0.1, 0.2, ... 1.0, 1.1]. When deviation...
Thanks for sharing the codes . I have solved this issue and trained the SRFlow well which is slightly different from the source code. I would take deep research and...
> In case anyone runs into my problem: It appears to be just part of the training process. These artifacts do seem to reduce over time as the network trains....