php-flatten copied to clipboard
A utility function to mainly flatten multidimensional-arrays and traversables into a one-dimensional array, preserving keys and joining them with a customizable separator to from fully-qualified keys in the final array.
composer require sarhan/php-flatten
Example 1
use Sarhan\Flatten\Flatten;
$multiArray = [
'say' => 'what',
'hi' => [ 'de' => 'Hallo', 'es' => 'Hola' ]
string $separator = '.',
string $prefix = '',
int $flags = 0
$flatten = new Flatten();
// Flatten::flattenToArray is provided for convinience. It internally
// calls Flatten::flatten and converts it's output, which is a 1-dimensional
// iterator, into a 1-dimensional array.
$flattened = $flatten->flattenToArray($multiArray);
// Flatten::unflattenToArray is provided for convinience. It internally
// calls Flatten::unflatten and converts it's output, which is a recursive
// generator structure, into a multi-dimensional array.
$unflattened = $flatten->unflattenToArray($flattened);
assert($flattened == [
'say' => what
'' => Hallo
'' => Hola
assert($unflattened == $multiArray);
Example 2
Custom Separator and initial prefix
use Sarhan\Flatten\Flatten;
$allowAccess = [
'root' => false,
'var' => [ 'log' => ['nginx' => true, 'apt' => false], 'www' => true ],
$flatten = new Flatten(
'/', // separator
'/' // prefix
$flattened = $flatten->flattenToArray($allowAccess);
$unflattened = $flatten->unflattenToArray($flattened);
assert($flatten == [
'/root' => false,
'/var/log/nginx' => true,
'/var/log/apt' => false,
'/var/www' => true
assert($unflattened == $allowAccess);
Example 3
Notice that the prefix will not be separated in FQkeys. If it should be separated, separator must be appeneded to the prefix string.
use Sarhan\Flatten\Flatten;
$api = [
'category' => [ 'health' => 321, 'sport' => 769, 'fashion' => 888 ],
'tag' => [ 'soccer' => 7124, 'tennis' => [ 'singles' => 9833, 'doubles' => 27127 ] ],
$flatten = new Flatten('/', 'https://api.dummyhost.domain/');
$flattened = $flatten->flattenToArray($api);
$unflattened = $flatten->unflattenToArray($flattened);
assert($flattened == [
'https://api.dummyhost.domain/category/health' => 321,
'https://api.dummyhost.domain/category/sport' => 769,
'https://api.dummyhost.domain/category/fashion' => 888,
'https://api.dummyhost.domain/tag/soccer' => 7124,
'https://api.dummyhost.domain/tag/tennis/singles' => 9833,
'https://api.dummyhost.domain/tag/tennis/doubles' => 27127
assert($unflattened == $api);
Example 4
Numeric keys are treated as associative keys.
Note: This behavior can be changed using flags. See FLAG_NUMERIC_NOT_FLATTENED
use Sarhan\Flatten\Flatten;
$nutrition = [
'fruits' => [ 'oranges', 'apple', 'banana' ],
'veggies' => ['lettuce', 'broccoli'],
$flatten = new Flatten('-');
$flattened = $flatten->flattenToArray($nutrition);
$unflattened = $flatten->unflattenToArray($flattened);
assert($flattened == [
'0' => 'nutrition',
'fruits-0' => 'oranges',
'fruits-1' => 'apple',
'fruits-2' => 'banana',
'veggies-0' => 'lettuce',
'veggies-1' => 'broccoli'
assert($unflattened == $nutrition);
Turns off flattening values with numeric (integer) keys.
Those values will be wrapped in an array (preserving their keys) and associated to the parent FQK.
use Sarhan\Flatten\Flatten;
$examples = [
'templates' => [
['lang' => 'js', 'template' => "console.log('%s');"],
['lang' => 'php', 'template' => 'echo "%s";']
'values' => [3 => 'hello world', 5 => 'what is your name?']
$flatten = new Flatten(
$flattened = $flatten->flattenToArray($examples);
$unflattened = $flatten->unflattenToArray($flattened);
assert($flattened == [
'examples.templates' => [
'lang' => 'js',
'template' => 'console.log(\'%s\')';
'lang' => 'php',
'template' => 'echo "%s"'
'examples.values' => [
3 => 'hello world',
5 => 'what is your name?'
assert($unflattened == $examples);
Top level numeric (integer) keys will also be returned into an array assigned to the passed prefix.
use Sarhan\Flatten\Flatten;
$seats = [
'_reserved' => ['A1', 'B1'],
'_blocked' => ['B2']
$flatten = new Flatten(
$flattened = $flatten->flattenToArray($seats);
$unflattened = $flatten->unflattenToArray($flattened);
assert($flattened == [
'seats' => ['A1', 'A2', 'B1', 'B2'],
'seats_reserved' => ['A1', 'B1'],
'seats_blocked' => ['B2']
assert($unflattened == $seats);