Thank you for your great work. I must admit I did not try the compilation on iOS yet but I am really interested in. If you have few spare minutes,...
I just bumped the expo-secure-store dependency in order to make the library works. It was broken due to expo secure store droping the `@unimodules/core` dependency in favor of `expo-modules-core`
Hello, I had a problem with the package, it throws "Violation of protocol" error from ssl when apns called the function ssl.wrap_socket. There is a quickfix, specify the PROTOCOL_TLSv1 on...
Hello, Nice work! I just added few lines to support python 3. Enjoy!
Hello, I am trying to send files on my S3 buckets using the boto3.session.connect_to('s3').put_object() method. It works well when i send text streang. (using str type as content method parameter)...