notion.nvim copied to clipboard
Notion API wrapper for Neovim
is a Neovim plugin made for accesing the Notion API, formatting and ease of integration.
View, edit and update your notion pages and database entries from inside neovim, and access pre-coded functions
Database entry modification
Installation and setup
Any plugin manager should do the trick. Calling the setup function is required if you want to access the plugin
Note: Telescope (And as such, plenary.nvim) are required respectively to open the menu and make API calls
use {
requires = { 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim', 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' },
after = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' }
config = function()
Plug 'Al0den/tester.nvim'
lua << END
lazy = false, --Should work when lazy loaded, not tested
dependencies = {
config = function()
How to use
By default, the plugin simply wont do anything. Call the :Notion
function to initialise the plugin and enable it's features.
You will need your Notion integration key, and have the integration to access the specific pages/databases you want to display inside of Neovim.
The plugin can view and edit notion pages, and as such I would recommend to allow it to do both, however only allowing view shouldnt have an impact on features unrelated to editing
If your environment variable NOTION_API_KEY
) is already set, simply running :Notion setup
while initialise the plugin once and for all
The simplest of use is the Notion
), which opens a menu will all upcomings events. However, a lot of functions are exposed through the notions.components
-- keymaps.lua
vim.keymaps.set("n", "<leader>no", function () require"notion".openMenu() end)
As an example, to insert the next event inside your lualine, you could do something such as:
require'lualine'.setup {
sections = {
lualine_a = { 'mode' },
lualine_b = { 'branch', 'diff', 'diagnostics' },
lualine_c = { 'require"notion.components".nextEvent()' },
lualine_x = { 'encoding', 'fileformat', 'filetype' },
lualine_y = { 'progress' },
lualine_z = { 'location' }
The default configuration is:
require"notion".setup {
autoUpdate = true, --Allow the plugin to automatically update the data from the Notion API
open = "notion", --If not set, or set to something different to notion, will open in web browser
keys = { --Menu keys
deleteKey = "d",
editKey = "e",
openNotion = "o",
itemAdd = "a",
viewKey = "v"
delays = { --Delays before running specific actions
reminder = 4000,
format = 200,
update = 10000
notifications = true, --Enable notifications
editor = "light", --light/medium/full, changes the amount of data displayed in editor
viewOnEdit = {
enabled = true, --Enable double window, view and edit simultaneously
replace = true --Replace current window with preview window, only if enabled = true
direction = "vsplit", --Direction windows will be opened in
noEvent = "No events"
Any options can be set/unset, and if not set will default to the above
Available lua functions are, as of right now:
--Get raw output from the api, as a string
--Get formatted earliest event
--Get next event name
--Get next event date
require"notion.components".nextEventDate() --In its full format
require"notion.components".nextEventShortDate() --Matches by day to adapt string making it shorter, used in `nextEvent()`
--Display all events menu
Inside the menu
, different functions are accesible through the default keys. As of right now, editKey will open, if possible, a json file containing all the data of the event/page (according to defaults editor preference). Saving said file will push to the API. Note that for pages, every single block is pushed indivudally, and due to API rate limits, only one per second is pushed. Feel free to do anything during this time and let the plugin do its update. If notifications are enabled, a small pop-up in the top right corner will indicated progress. Database entries are saved in one time
In it's current state, two things can happen when calling the viewKey or editKey:
- Hovering a database entry, will create the file instantaneously
- Hovering a page, will take a bit of time to fetch the different page blocks
Currently not caching or auto-updating page childrens as to not overwhelm the API, as a new API call would anyways be needed on key press to get the latest information
Pressing deleteKey when hovering over an event will attempt to delete block from notion, and instantly delete it from raw saved data on success
Pressing remindKey will allow you to set reminders that will send you a notification on the specified time. Works even if nvim is relaunched or closed
If you want to manually update the data stored, you can use require"notion".update
function, used as such:
silent = false,
window = nil
determines wether to show a notification or not. Does not override the default notifications
, so if set to false, no window will be showed, otherwise depends on notifications
If you want to manually handle your notifications, window
takes a window ID as an argument and will close said window when the action has completed
Note: update
is asynchronous, and as such the data will be updated in the background, not instantaneously, and menu
will update accordingly
- Add addItem key
- Add support for nvim-notify (Not in the near future)
- impulse.nvim, Similar results, but not maintained, buggy in certain aspects and impossible for me to recode due to yue/moonscript, thus cannot add edit support
- plenary.nvim, Use of jobs for asynchronous updates
- telescope.nvim, Use of pickers