Golang-MySQL-CRUD-Bookstore-Management-API icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Golang-MySQL-CRUD-Bookstore-Management-API copied to clipboard

Results 4 Golang-MySQL-CRUD-Bookstore-Management-API issues
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Theres is a typo error in the book-controller.go file `w.Header().Set("Content-Type","pkglication/json")` The `pkglication/json` supposed to be the `application/json` `w.Header().Set("Content-Type","application/json")`

tried solutions (non are helping) please help... d, err := gorm.Open("mysql", "akhil:Axlesharma@12@/simplerest?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local") and starting server with this code of **http.ListenAndServe("localhost:9010", r)** getting this error **panic: dial tcp connect: connection...

gorm mysql driver config and code updated accordingly