CTkTable icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
CTkTable copied to clipboard

Customtkinter Table widget (extension/add-on)


Here is a quick and simple table widget having all the basic features.



  • Add columns/rows
  • Delete columns/rows
  • Edit rows/columns at once
  • Insert values to specific cell
  • delete values from specific cell
  • update all values at once
  • edit each cell value and options
  • entry editing
  • can be used with scrollable frame
  • Lots of other data operations


pip install CTkTable

GitHub repo size

Dont forget to leave a ⭐


import customtkinter
from CTkTable import *

root = customtkinter.CTk()

value = [[1,2,3,4,5],

table = CTkTable(master=root, row=5, column=5, values=value)
table.pack(expand=True, fill="both", padx=20, pady=20)



  • .insert(row, column, value, *args): change specific cell index data
  • .add_row(index, values)
  • .add_column(index, values)
  • .edit_row(row_num, *args): edit one full row at once
  • .edit_column(column_num, *args): edit one full column at once
  • .delete_row(index): remove one row
  • .delete_column(index): remove one column
  • .delete_rows(indices): remove mutliple rows
  • .delete_columns(indices): remove multiple columns
  • .edit(row, column): edit specific cell without changing the value
  • .select(row, column): select one cell
  • .select_row(row): select a row
  • .get_selected_row(): get the values of the selected row
  • .deselect_row(row): deselect a row
  • .select_column(column): select a column
  • .get_selected_column(): get the values of selected column
  • .deselect_column(column): deselect a column
  • .update_values(values): update all values at once
  • .delete(row, column, *args): delete the data from specific index
  • .get(): get all values
  • .get(row, column): get specific cell value
  • .get_row(row): get all values of a specific row
  • .get_column(column): get all values of a specific column
  • .configure(arguments): change other table attributes

here, args means ctkbutton parameters which can also be passed

Note: treat all the table cells as a ctkbutton class


Parameter Description
master parent widget
values the default values for table
row optional, set number of default rows
column optional, set number of default columns
padx add internal padding in x
pady add internal padding in y
colors set two fg_colors for the table (list), eg: colors=["yellow", "green"]
color_phase set color phase based on rows or columns, eg: color_phase="vertical"
orientation change the orientation of table, vertical or horizontal
header_color define the topmost row color
corner_radius define the corner roundness of the table
hover_color enable hover effect on the cells
wraplength set the width of cell text
justify anchor the position of the cell text
command specify a command when a table cell is pressed, [returns row, column, value]
*other button parameters all other ctk button parameters can be passed

Note: This library is at early stage so there can be some performance issues.

Thanks for visiting! Hope it will help :)