I'm quite interested in this, is there any intention to implement time-based conditions on rules?
I'm afraid that I really don't know how that would translate to Python as I'm not familiar with Objective-C. However if you manage to implement it, feel free to create...
I was giving it a second thought and actually recall attempting to add an icon with PyObjC but I gave up. If you can do it please create a PR...
Hi! I think Robert is not very active here. I'd suggest you to move your concerns to the repo for the [finder-sidebar-editor pip library][1] that I'm maintaining. That said, sadly...
Hi @scerazy, could you provide more details on what you did? It looks like you cloned the library repository and attempted to run the `setup.py` file. What are you trying...
My bad, I have allowed it now and you should be able to do so. I'm not sure what MDM is, but if you can run python and it's a...
I find it weird that it works when run in the Python CLI but not on the app. Are you using any virtual environment? That would be an explanation for...
Apologies for the late comment. This looks to me like either no display name was found or a None value was given to the `remove` method. Most likely the later,...
This seems to be an issue with you Python version and f-strings. Are you sure you are running this snippet using 3.7.6? f-strings were introduced in 3.6 in PEP 498....
Another option is to use the library `finder-sidebar-editor` that I maintain and wait for me to update it so it uses `format` instead of f-strings.