Ajay Tripathy
Ajay Tripathy
Hi @pinlast that's not possible today but sounds like a great feature request!
Hey @rossfisherkc sounds like we have a good description of the issue. This seems like something I can knock out for v1.98.
Ah, this pretty much only spams if you forget to drop in a pricing key. I'd suggest we make this change as some people don't mind running in that mode...
http://demo.kubecost.io/action.html?a=unusednodes this is the cluster-autoscaler simulator
Hi @prakharporwal the cluster autoscaler simulator is not yet open source, but we're exploring options here and can circle back!
Assets is very likely highest priority because we dump all cloud assets into cache as line items, which is very big.
Hi @airmonitor are there files in the bucket? If so, there should be a resource ID in format "i-something" available. If you filter by that string as a "ProviderID" in...
Taking just the device /dev/sda1 is 123.9GB, which gets much closer to the 128 that we'd expect. We probably need to do this per platform since disk conventions vary from...
Thanks for filing this @rcallphin . Historically our precedence model for labeling has been that conflicts are resolved from most specific (pod) to least specific (namespace). But the usecase makes...
Thank you for this PR @kbrwn . I think we'd prefer to log and just not panic in the case where this label doesn't exist. Want to trace the index...