Ajay Tripathy
Ajay Tripathy
Hi @jrmanes scaleway is supported; ```2024-03-07T10:10:53.670029966Z INF Found ProviderID starting with "scaleway", using Scaleway Provider``` This line implies we should be using the scaleway pricing models. Is that not what...
Those models were just created by hand. You can just look at a single class of Scaleway provider and see the pricing differences at various amounts of CPU/RAM to create...
* We would absolutely welcome any contributions back here on using different Azure APIs @lostcities ...just let me know when you're ready. * I am not opposed to a currency...
I think setting the log level is the only way currently: https://github.com/kubecost/cost-analyzer-helm-chart#adjusting-log-output
https://github.com/opencost/opencost/pull/1471 should begin to help address some of this for GPUs, at least when the CSV pricing sheet is provided.
@ar4mirez anything to share here? How can I help?
Seems reasonable to me to add this. We'll get this reviewed!
cc @cliffcolvin can you help get this reviewed?
@lmello if you get us a pprof that would be great!
We just take an average 30% discount because this is meant to be an estimate. This is user configurable so I'm not sure there's a compelling reason to change this...