Ajay Tripathy
Ajay Tripathy
> > @aorjoa I have a question on one of your tests-- mind taking another look? > > I happy to take a look 👀 please give me some more...
@aorjoa sorry for the late response during holidays. @nik-kc looked at this as well and I believe had some thoughts. We'll get this in after the holidays though.
> Additionally when debugging this, it seems like opencost want nodes to be referred to by their IP address internally, extracting a "name" like `` from the `instance` variable in...
@deepy could you also try the community edition of kubecost to see if the same issue persists? That would help us isolate this as well. helm install kubecost cost-analyzer \...
Fair enough @deepy -- could you share what your metrics look like especially for the instance label? Also, we use "node" for the requests which come from the k8s api...
The issue is here, with cadvisor: ``` container_memory_working_set_bytes{ cluster="our-us-cluster", container="carbon-relay-ng", endpoint="https-metrics", id="/kubepods.slice/kubepods-burstable.slice/kubepods-burstable..scope", image="docker.io/grafana/carbon-relay-ng:master", instance="", job="integrations/kubernetes/cadvisor", metrics_path="/metrics/cadvisor", name="8c136d2173f2", namespace="grafana-agent", node="ip-10-0-0-14.ec2.internal", pod="carbon-relay-ng-594b78f7bb-npfr5", service="kubelet" } ``` the job="integrations/kubernetes/cadvisor" has a node and instance...
Same result in EKS. This is how we configure our cadvisor job: https://github.com/kubecost/cost-analyzer-helm-chart/blob/develop/cost-analyzer/charts/prometheus/values.yaml#L1174C1-L1174C46 Can you configure yours similarly, or try installing either the free eks optimized bundle or kubecost community...
@deepy know its the holidays but wanted to follow up, any thoughts on using our bundle / our configurations? I'm open to feedback on our configurations but changes there will...
Hey @sossickd and @deepy sorry for the late response. We are making these labels configurable to support a broad range of configurations, PTAL at https://github.com/opencost/opencost/pull/2444
Where in your setup is the node name available? Wherever it is, this PR would allow opencost to be configured to pick that label up.