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Enigmatic Amulet retrieval niche item deletion case
Versions (Be specific, do not write "latest"):
- Enigmatic Legacy: 2.26.5
- Curios API: 1.19.2 -
- Patchouli: 1.19.2 - 77
- Forge: 43.3.5
Description of a Bug:
Death was encountered from an enemy, the inventory was completely and 100% full including all armor and trinket slots, the enigmatic amulet preserved all items, trinkets, and experience as intended. Under other circumstances there were no issues, but in this instance it was impossible to be alive and retrieve it, so creative mode was activated before touching the crystal. After touching it, some portion of the items were properly retrieved but others were just wiped from existence and were never "in" item form, as far as I can tell.
How to Reproduce:
- Die with a completely full inventory in every slot
- Set to creative mode
- Attempt to retrieve crystal
- Some items are deleted from existence
No such log applicable.
Crash Log: Please use a paste site like Github Gists.
This is part of how creative mode works, excess items are automatically deleted when picked up. Even if the excess items were dropped, they would get picked up and deleted immediately, so I don't see an easy way around this other than just not picking it up in creative mode. Out of curiosity, how was the scenario created where you had to be in creative mode to retrieve it?
cant you teleport the enigmatic amulet entity that spawns?